Ecah Zamri's Stories

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 | 9:16 AM | 1 Sweet Hearts

You look to your old-self,
You see how weak you were,
You blame yourself ,
How you wish you were stronger.

You look to your old-self,
You see how coward you were,
You hate yourself ,
How you wish you were braver.

You look to your old-self,
You see how selfish you were,
You wanted to torture yourself ,
How you wish you were stronger.

But they were all the past,
You couldn't change things that had happened.
And all that left is regret.

1 Sweet Hearts(s)
I thought.
Sunday, July 24, 2016 | 8:53 PM | 2 Sweet Hearts

I thought that I was though,
but I cry when nobody's around.
I looked so cold,
but my heart is a little too fragile
And I can't help it.

I thought that I was heartless,
but every little things they do
leave something in my heart.
I've tried to show that I don't care,
But I end up taking care of them.

I thought goodbye never hurts,
But it cut me to the deepest.
I've trained myself
to not easily get attached to people.
Seems like I've failed, haven't I?

I thought I'm gonna survive,
But live can be hard sometimes.
I'm starting to lose myself,
Living out of nowhere.
I've lost my soul.

2 Sweet Hearts(s)
Kenangan termanis di tektra.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 | 8:31 AM | 1 Sweet Hearts
Baru 3 bulan menuntut sebagai pelajar pra-u disini, sudah pelbagai peristiwa yang jadi. Tapi yang hari ni paling wow. Haha.

Kisah bermula, harini kami ade test trial penggal satu, kertas sejarah. Kami agak stres sebab yang keluar tak sama dengan peruncingan. Jadi, lepas exam tu kami buat aktiviti melepaskan stres.

Macam2 kami main, abc, nama negeri, nenek2, pepsi cola dan lompat tikus. Yang part nenek2 tu paling win.

Ecah yang ajak main nenek2, jadi diorang oun suruh la ecah jadi nenek. Mata ecah ditutup dengan kain. Game bermula. Tengah ecah meraba-raba cari cucu2, tetibe je kelas senyap then bunyi "cikgu2". I was like, really ? Then ade orang datang dekat ecah cakap, "cikgu" ecah pun terus la buka kain kat mata tu. Pandang sekeliling, takde orang. Semua dah pergi bahagian depan kelas.

Jeng jeng jeng. Berdirinya seorang guru sejarah yang paling digeruni di depan pintu kelas. Dia memandang sinis. Ingin tertawa, tapi ditahan. Ecah apa lagi, terus lari kedepan, menyorok dari cikgu.Hanya Allah tahu betapa cuak dan malunya ecah masa tu.

Cikgu panggil ketua dan penolong batch. Cikguppesan, jaga kelas. Bukannya join sekali diorang main. Haha. Lepas cikgu beredar,Cucu2 pun datang la sambil tertawa terbahak meminta maaf sebab tinggalkan nenek merangkak, teraba raba seorang diri. Haha. Oke. Memang takkan lupa lah kejadian ni. Diorang tergamak tinggal ecah . haha
Tapi takpela, kalau ecah pun mungkin akan buat macam tu. Haha. K. The end.

1 Sweet Hearts(s)